ECO Display Range by MJCP

Discover our fully bespoke eco display signage range, featuring the ECO Tower, ECO House of Cards, and ECO A Board. These innovative, sustainable options are crafted from eco-friendly materials, offering unique customization to elevate your brand’s presence while promoting environmental responsibility and appealing to eco-conscious customers.

Read on to learn more, or click the button to discuss your project with one of our experienced project managers.

What is the ECO Display range?

Our fully bespoke eco display signage range enhances sustainability efforts and appeals to eco-conscious customers. Made from sustainable materials, it minimizes waste and offers complete customization to align with your brand's aesthetic and messaging. It's a responsible choice for the environment and strengthens your brand's identity and values.

What does MJCPs ECO Range have on offer?


ECO Display Solutions

We have engineered 3 flagship products, all geared towards reusability and recyclability in mind, while keeping waste to a minimum. We have more on the way! But these are by far our best and brightest so far.

The ECO Tower provides a versatile display solution. Whether used in retail spaces, offices, or events, the ECO Tower stands tall as a beacon of sustainability, drawing attention to your brand while championing eco-friendly practices. Made from sustainable materials, the ECO A boards offer a stylish and environmentally friendly way to promote your brand. Finally, inspired by the iconic designs of Eames, the ECO House of Cards is an innovative structure allows you to showcase your brand message in a visually striking and sustainable manner, capturing the imagination of your audience.

Why us and not an off the shelf brand?

Choosing our fully bespoke eco display signage offers numerous benefits over off-the-shelf brands.

Our fully customizable artwork service ensures your signage perfectly aligns with your brand’s aesthetic and messaging. With our pre-press and design expertise, we provide high-quality, professional results tailored to your specific needs. This bespoke approach allows for unique, impactful designs that stand out.

For larger events, our comprehensive project management ensures seamless execution from concept to installation. We handle all aspects, ensuring timely delivery and exceptional quality, so you can focus on your event’s success. Our dedication to sustainability and customization sets us apart, offering you a smarter, more responsible choice for the environment and a strategic move to strengthen your brand’s identity and values.

By choosing our bespoke eco display signage, you not only reduce your carbon footprint but also create a powerful, positive brand statement that resonates with today's environmentally conscious market.


We work with industry professionals to source materials, and make sure their green credentials are up to scratch. Everything we use to create these display pieces is 100 percent recyclable, from the ink, to the board itself. We are also making strides to ensure we offset out carbon footprint. You can read our Manifesto here.

White Ink Printing

Although we provide the ECO Tower and ECO A Board in white, why not make a bold statement with Kraft and our premium white ink prints? Stand out from the crowd with this unique choice. Click below to learn how to set up your files for flawless white ink printing. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email us!

  • ECO A Board Specs

    The ECO A Board is probably the most useful interns of portability, and is easy to stack away, or relocate as soon as required. A simple lock feature ensures stability while still being really easy to set up. The recyclable nature of these make them great for events tha last a day up to a week, and ensure that when the time comes to break everything down, recycling these is easy peasy.

  • ECO Tower Specs

    The ECO Banner was developed to be one of our two flagship products, and was an exercise in cardboard engineering, research and development. Some applications for the ECO Banner include informational signage, wayfinding and advertising services at events and exhibitions. It is lightweight, and portable, making transporting it to multiple locations very simple.

  • ECO House Of Cards Specs

    This product was designed with ease of use in mind. We wanted it to be portable, sturdy and versatile, while maintaining the playful but bold visual style of the Eames ‘House of Cards’. Some applications for the stack of cards include presentations, displays and even simple office graphics. Cards can be added and removed as relevant, and are 100% recyclable.

Still not sure?

If you’re still unsure about choosing our bespoke eco display signage, consider these additional points:

  • Proven Pre-Press and Design Expertise: Our team of experienced designers ensures your signage is not only eco-friendly but also visually stunning and on-brand. We guide you through every step of the design process, ensuring the final product exceeds your expectations.

  • Comprehensive Project Management: For larger events, our dedicated project management team handles all logistics, from initial concept to final installation. This ensures a smooth, hassle-free experience, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your event.

  • Eco-Conscious Branding: Embracing sustainable signage can significantly enhance your brand’s reputation. By demonstrating your commitment to the environment, you can attract and retain customers who value sustainability, giving you a competitive edge.

  • Customization for Maximum Impact: Unlike generic options, our fully customizable signage allows you to create unique designs that truly reflect your brand’s identity and message, making a lasting impression on your audience.

Choosing our eco display signage is a responsible, strategic decision that supports the planet and strengthens your brand. If you have any questions or need further information, our team is here to help guide you through the process.


  • Our eco display signage is made from sustainable materials such as Xanita board and PAlight ReNu. These materials ensure minimal environmental impact while maintaining high durability and quality.

  • Our signage is fully customizable. You can tailor the design, size, colors, and messaging to perfectly align with your brand’s aesthetic. Our design team works closely with you to create bespoke artwork that meets your specific needs and vision.

  • The pre-press process involves preparing your design for printing, ensuring that colors, images, and text are correctly formatted and aligned. This step is crucial for achieving high-quality, professional results, and our team’s expertise ensures your signage looks impeccable.

  • Yes, we provide comprehensive project management services for larger events. Our team handles all aspects of the project, from initial concept and design to production and installation, ensuring a smooth and seamless experience.

  • Using eco display signage demonstrates your commitment to sustainability, enhancing your brand’s image and appeal to eco-conscious customers. It differentiates your brand from competitors and can attract a loyal customer base that values environmental responsibility.

  • While bespoke eco signage may have a higher initial cost compared to off-the-shelf options, the long-term benefits include durability, reduced replacement frequency, and potential tax incentives for sustainable practices, making it a cost-effective choice over time.

  • We strive to accommodate rush orders and tight deadlines whenever possible. Our project management team works efficiently to meet your time constraints without compromising on quality. Contact us directly to discuss your specific timeline needs.

  • Our design team offers extensive support throughout the design process, including brainstorming sessions, mockups, revisions, and final approvals. We ensure that your vision is fully realized and that the final product aligns perfectly with your brand.

  • No, our eco display signage is not designed for adverse weather but is ideal for sunny day events and indoor events. The materials we use ensure resilience for these conditions, keeping your signage in excellent condition.